Why The Placement of Your Home Thermostat Matters

The air conditioning and heating control panel for the apartment

Learn the Secrets of Thermostat Installers in Kansas City to Ensure Yours Is Where It Should Be

If your heating and cooling systems are team members, then your thermostat is the coach, directing plays all year long to keep your home comfortable in every season.

That’s why it’s so important that your thermostat is set up for success, with the right playbook – your temperature preferences – and field – its location in your home. Is yours in the best place, or do you need a home thermostat installer in Kansas City to help you relocate it?

Keep reading to learn why the placement of your thermostat is so important, how its location affects your home’s comfort and your utility bills, and what you can do about it.

Get Accurate Temperature Readings with Proper Thermostat Placement and Upgrades

There are two reasons your thermostat may not be telling your heating and cooling system the right temperature for your home to reach: ghost readings and outdated technology.

First, a home thermostat in the wrong location can give you what is called “ghost readings,” an inaccurate reading based on its spot in your house. There are two issues behind this:

  1. Your thermostat’s location in your home really is much hotter or cooler than other areas.
  2. The wall behind your thermostat is unsealed and uninsulated, allowing colder or warmer air to creep in and affect its reading.

Keep reading to learn how to resolve both of these issues.

Secondly, your home thermostat may be inaccurate because its technology is outdated. If your Kansas City home still operates with an ancient dial-style thermostat, then it may be time to upgrade to a modern smart thermostat, which is more accurate, reliable, and convenient than your old one.

Plus, upgrading to a smart thermostat provides additional great benefits:

  • Will learn your routine to heat or cool your house to the perfect temperature all day long.
  • Is programmable to meet your needs based on a schedule you determine.
  • Can be controlled from your smartphone, no matter where you are.
  • Works with other smart home devices, such as virtual assistants.
  • Can ultimately help you save money on your energy bills.
  • Helps modernize the look and feel of your home.

The Worst Places to Put a Home Thermostat

Certain locations in your home experience temperature variations that will affect your thermostat’s reading. These, in particular, are the worst places to hang and wire a home thermostat:

  • Near windows and doors
  • In direct sunlight
  • On a wall with ductwork or heating pipes in it
  • Near lamps
  • Next to televisions or other electronics
  • By the fireplace
  • On exterior walls
  • In stairwells
  • Anywhere that furniture may restrict airflow around the device

Professional thermostat installers in Kansas City also recommend avoiding bathrooms and kitchens. The temperature in these rooms fluctuates wildly, and steam and heat prevent thermostats from registering correctly.

The Best Locations for Your Thermostat

Now that you know where your thermostat won’t work, what about where it will? Your thermostat should be placed in a central location in your house, about five feet off the ground and at least 18 inches or more from an exterior wall. It also should be as far away from any source of heat or chill as possible.

For best results, mount it:

  • On an interior wall in a room that everybody uses, such as the living room or an interior hallway.
  • Near a return air grill.
  • Within the range of your Wi-Fi router, if you opt for a smart thermostat.

What If My Thermostat is in a Bad Location?

If your thermostat is not regulating the temperature because of its location, call a thermostat installer in Kansas City to move it to a better location. The job generally takes a few hours, but in the long run will save you money on utility bills and will make your house much more comfortable.

The technician will need to remove and replace wiring to the thermostat, which will include making a new hole in the wall for wires in the proper location. You will need to patch the hole at your thermostat’s previous location, which is easy to do with drywall putty and tape. The thermostat technician should clean up any drywall or plaster dust and ensure your new thermostat is functioning properly before leaving.

Kansas City Residents: Take Action Today to Upgrade Your Thermostat

If you have an outdated thermostat, now is the time to upgrade it, too. Experts in HVAC near you can help you choose the best one for your lifestyle and home, so call your local service provider today.