What are YOU Going to Celebrate on March 26?

Did you know March 26 is officially “National Make Up Your Own Holiday” Day?  I guess every holiday has to start somewhere if not of major historical significance, right? Well this got me thinking — what other holidays in March have I been neglecting?  Well, see for yourself if any of these are worthy for your social calendars!

March 1: Peanut Butter Lovers Day

It’s no wonder after always being stuck with jelly that peanut butter would one day deserve its own holiday. So peanut butter lovers rejoice, eat up and celebrate like a nut.

March 3: If Pets had Thumbs Day

One of the things that separates the abilities of humans from the  abilities of other animals is our the thumb. We can do many things thanks to having them. So, this day is for you to sit back and ponder…”What would Fluffy be like if she has thumbs?” Or “What Would Fido be doing right now if he had thumbs?”  Probably not the coolest of holidays, especially if you’re all thumbs. But as The Fonz once said, “AYYYY!”

March 15: Dumbstruck Day

You may be dumb struck that there is a day that celebrates being dumbstruck! Or you might want to ponder all the things you read, see and hear that make  you dumbstruck. It seems like almost every day is that lately, doesn’t it?

Don’t get March 14 and March 23rd Mixed Up!!

  • March 14: National Potato Chip Day
  • March 23: National Chip & Dip Day

I don’t know about you, but I celebrate the 23rd…french onion dip and chips, salsa and tortilla chips…duets that are music to my taste buds!

March 30: I am in Control Day

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was wounded in an assassination attempt. Lots of confusion prevailed. In the White House, then Secretary of State Alexander Haig was taken a little out of context when he said “I am in control here.”  Instead of focusing upon the entire statement, people and the press focused upon these few words.  Political uproar eventually led to his resignation.

On that infamous day, I am in Control Day was born.

History sometimes fades with time. Alexander Haig’s statement has been forgotten. Meanwhile, this special day has evolved into a call-to-action. People have personalized it into a day to get their life in control. “I am in Control Day” is our chance to get things in order and under control.

So what national holiday do you want to see added to this quirky mix?