UV Germicidal Light and Some At-Home Clean Air Tricks

There’s a lot of talk right now around keeping our homes healthy and clean while we all shelter-in-place and obey the on-going stay at home orders. Once those end, however, safety and cleaning is going to be even more paramount as we all expand our circles of influence and interaction. If you’re looking for some smart, effective way to keep your home and air safe and clean, we’ve got some tips and tricks for you to consider:


Invest in a Germicidal UV Light Solution

Wait, a what? A Germicidal UV Light cleaning solution from Blue Heating and Cooling. We’ve offered this product for years and feel that now is a great time to remind you about what it is and how it works.  UV light is naturally destructive to certain cellular and organic structures. We know this to be true if we leave certain types of fabrics, foods, or even ourselves out in the sun for too long. The same is true for viruses, pathogens, and germs. When exposed to concentrated doses of UV light, their structure breaks down and they’re rendered useless. Ultraviolet technology is a non-chemical approach to disinfection. In this method of disinfection, nothing is added which makes this process simple, inexpensive and requires very low maintenance. Ultraviolet purifiers utilize germicidal lamps that are designed and calculated to produce a certain dosage of ultraviolet (usually at least 16,000 microwatt seconds per square centimeter but many units actually have a much higher dosage.) The principle of design is based on a product of time and intensity – you must have a certain amount of both for a successful design.

Ultraviolet Germicidal Light Spectrum


So, how does our UV Light Tool work? Great question! We install one of our UV Germicidal Lights in your HVAC unit, which exposes your air particles and any pathogens, germs, or other unwanted strains to a concentrated UV treatment, thus cleaning and purifying the air before it ever gets to you. Coupled with regular air filter maintenance and HVAC unit maintenance, you’re officially sitting in a great spot for a happy and healthy home!


Regular Air Filter Maintenance

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again—you can never underestimate the power of keeping your air filter clean. We know it’s easy to forget down there, buried away in your HVAC unit but it’s critical to the lifespan of your unit as well as the health of your home and air quality. If you have pets, children, live in a rural or dusty area, or generally have a lot of activity in and around your property, you need to change your air filter every month at a bare minimum to keep things running happy and healthy. Check out some of our resources of when and how often to change your air filter as well as some ideas and guidance on what the different MERV ratings mean.


Get Some Greenery Going

This one is a fun suggestion and is more of a lifestyle choice than a quick-fix for cleaning your home’s air but we couldn’t resist, especially with Spring being upon us and everyone wanting to get outside and work in the yard and around the house as we prepare for Summer. If you didn’t already know, adding houseplants (specifically some of the ones we’ll share with you) to your home can be a great way to clean and purify your home’s air without using chemicals. Even if you don’t have a “green thumb” we promise you can keep most of these alive and well with just a little bit of care and maintenance. Our top three favorites are:

  1. The Spider Plant – It’s super easy to care for, propagates easily so you can have lots of plants from just one good purchase or gifting and do a great job of keeping your air clean and safe. Plus they’re cool to look at and create some really easy visual interest and greenery in your home without much effort!
  2. The Rubber Plant – This one is another great option, adds some fun diversity to your home and plant collection and is super easy to take care of–no matter what your skill level. You often see them in offices and other locations because they can thrive almost anywhere and have very few requirements.
  3. The Snake Plant – These are hands down the best-rated plants for providing clean air around your home. They’re fun and easy to care for and look great in an office, bedroom, or any corner that needs a little bit of sprucing up! Check out this blog for more great plant ideas!