The (Dry) Skin-ny on Heaters and Humidifiers

Dry skin. Increased respiratory issues. Irritated eyes. Even dried out plants and wooden floors. You notice these things every winter when the temperatures drop. The air gets not only cold, but also extremely dry.  Why is that?  Because colder air holds less water vapor than warm air does. The colder the temperature, the drier the air.

But increasing room temperature with a heater doesn’t solve the problem; it increases the air’s water capacity, but it doesn’t actually add any water vapor to the environment.

So if you are concerned about your personal health, the comfort of your home, and your utility bills, then using a heater and humidifier in tandem is a great solution!

How?  Your heater increases temperatures then your humidifier adds water vapor into the air.

The benefits include a reduction in uncomfortable symptoms and breathing issues, hydration of your possessions and even the potential to save on your utility bills (since the water vapor-rich air will feel warmer at lower temperatures than dry air at higher temperatures).

We’d love to show you the different units and products available to you that will work best together for your needs and your budget!