New Year Resolutions for Your Home!

It’s hard to keep the usual resolutions – “I’m going to eat better, exercise more, save more.” But there are certain resolutions you can make for your home at the beginning of the year– from changing your filters to organizing your spices — that are easy to keep and will make your home a happier and safer place!

Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: make sure batteries are fresh and each of the units is in working condition.

Install LED Lights: Not only are they a better source of light for your rooms but they’ll also save you money.

Check Your Chimney: have it checked and/or cleaned to make sure it isn’t filled with debris that could cause chimney fires. If you’re not using your fireplace, make sure the damper is closed.

Head-Off Hackers: make sure your anti-virus software is up-t0-date on your home system. Make sure your software protects against viruses as well as malicious software called “malware.” It’s also a good time to change all of your passwords if you haven’t in a while. With the sophistication of hackers nowadays, it’s important that you make your passwords as challenging as possible (use upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, as often as possible).

Spiff Up Your Spices: Don’t throw them in a drawer where it’s difficult to decipher the spices you really want to use. Organize them in alpha order in a cabinet or pantry. You’ll be amazed at how many of the spices you end up using when you can find them easily!

Cutting Board Love: Take this time to sand your old wooden cutting board and treat it with some olive or vegetable oil to seal. It will look like a brand new board!

Factor in the Filter: Make sure your HVAC unit has a new, clean filter on it as we go into the coldest part of the year. It should be changed at least twice a year, especially if you’re seeing more dust collecting throughout the house — it’s usually a sign to change the filter.

So we hope these tips for your home will help welcome in a happy, healthy and successful 2019. We look forward to being a part of it!