May Is a Great Time To Prepare Your A/C

A/C Summer Months

May is time to crack the A/C! Even if the outdoor temperatures aren’t quite hot enough to use the cooling system, it’s smart to fire up your air conditioner ahead of the season. You’ll be able to identify system start-up issues and other performance issues, such as a lack of cool air or frequent cycling, and have them repaired prior to rising temperatures. This way, your system issues will be resolved before you need to use your air conditioner or heat pump, and you won’t be stuck waiting for repairs when the first hot day of the year rolls around.

Here are other tips for the month as well:

• Set your programmable thermostat schedules for cooling season. Create temperature schedules that fit the occupancy schedules of your home or business. Programmable thermostats may allow for different schedules each day, for the week and weekend, or for the week and each day of the weekend, depending on the model, and typically accommodate up to four temperature adjustments daily.

Remember, setting temperatures back 10 to 15 degrees for periods of eight hours or more can save you one percent on energy costs for every degree you set your thermostat back. Perfect times for setbacks are overnight or during hours your home or business will be unoccupied. Set temperatures to adjust to occupied comfort levels about 15 minutes before the dwelling or building will be occupied to avoid discomfort without wasting energy.

During occupied hours, keep everyone comfortable while conserving energy. Keeping the thermostat’s temperature at 78 degrees is optimal for energy efficiency when people are indoors and will help them stay cool without consuming excessive energy.

• Check your air filter. During periods of heavy cooling system use, the filter should be inspected monthly to make sure it has not become full of contaminants. You may find it necessary to replace it sooner than the three-month mark during these times, so have a replacement ready just in case.

• Inspect all registers and return air grilles in your home to ensure they have not been blocked or shut. These vents should never be blocked, as doing so will restrict airflow through your HVAC systems, which could create performance issues and system overheating.

Move all carpets and rugs, furniture, and other items away from vents. Check to see that vent louvers are open; if you wish to shut off cooling to unused areas of your home or building, never close more than 20 percent of the structure’s HVAC vents. If you have many unused areas, consider investing in a zoning system which will allow you to reduce energy waste while facilitating proper HVAC system performance – work with a trusted HVAC contractor to design and install zoning solutions for your home or business.

• Inspect your exterior cooling equipment. Gently brush away any grass clippings and debris which have gathered on the unit. Trim away vegetation that has grown around the unit. Never store outdoor furniture or other items in the area immediately surrounding the unit.

So that should get you good and ready to head into a hot summer. We’re only a phone call away if you need anything or have any questions.