KCP&L is now Evergy – Take Advantage of New Rebates!

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Unless you’ve ignored your electric bill, then you should know by now that KCP&L and Westar Energy have merged to become Evergy.  It’s been a relatively seamless transition, and one upside of the merger are improved rebates that Evergy is now offering to its customers.  However, you won’t find the rebates published online, you must go through an Evergy-Authorized Contractor.  Well, guess who you know who is an Evergy-Authorized Contractor?  That’s right, it’s us, Blue Heating & Cooling!  (And we happen to know that they’ve just increased their rebate offers by another $100.)

Evergy offers 4 different types of rebates: Heating & Cooling, Solar, LED Lighting, and Insulation & Air Sealing.  To qualify and receive a rebate, you must schedule an appointment with us to do an assessment of the work needed that qualifies for the rebate, whether it’s an upgrade to your system or a tune-up.  After you’ve received the service, then you must file for the rebate within 30 days (we’ll help you with that part too).  Current rebate pricing is good until December 31st 2019, so act quickly to take advantage of this program!

Between these Evergy’s rebates, Spire’s rebates, and our Fall promotional rebates, now is a great time to upgrade your HVAC system!