Five Ways to Keep Your HVAC and Guests Happy This Holiday Season

The holiday season is finally here. Nothing is calm, everything is bright. Your halls are decked and soon you’ll be hosting a home full of guests, whether you invited them or not. You want to keep your jingles jangling and everyone full of Christmas cheer.

Saddle up your reindeer; we’ve got you covered. 

Here are five tips to keeping you and all your elves comfortable throughout the holiday season.


Deck your halls, not your thermostat. Keep your tinsel a safe distance away from the thermostat, no matter what you saw on Pinterest. Covering it can cause it to misread and result in increased energy bills and an uncomfortably hot or cold home.


With all the extra sparkle in the air, now is a great time to replace your air filter.  You can improve your home’s air quality for all your guests, especially those that suffer from allergies or asthma. This simple maintenance can eliminate unwanted guests such as mold, mites, pet dander, and viruses in the air. (We can’t help you with Uncle Ned.) Depending on your system, it’s wise to replace your filter every 30-90 days.


We speak for Frosty when we say, turn down your thermostat. With all the extra baking and people in your house this holiday season, your home will surely heat up. Turning down your thermostat helps to keep your home comfortable and your energy bills manageable. Keeping festive blankets close by for your guests, or your husband, is not only a cozy way to keep them warm, but it’s also energy smart.


Santa wants to bring you something more fun than a new HVAC this Christmas. Even if your system seems to be running just fine, it’s always smart to schedule regular preventative maintenance services. Keeping your HVAC in tiptop shape helps increase the longevity of your system. We’re always glad to take your money but you can save some by addressing small issues before they turn into major and costly repairs. 


We know you’re a generous neighbor, but you don’t have to heat the neighborhood. Give all your windows and doors a thorough check for drafts. Air leaks are an easy fix with weather stripping and caulking. Addressing these issues not only makes your system function better but will also lower your energy bills. 

Nothing is worse than a malfunctioning HVAC system with guests on the way. Keep your name off the naughty list by maintaining yours and save yourself a little jingle along the way.  We’re here for you and always happy to help. Happy holidays!