Busting Common Heating and Cooling Myths

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It’s Important to Understand the Truth About Your Residential HVAC System

When it comes to keeping your home a comfortably cozy temperature in the winter and cool in the summer, you’ve likely heard quite a few tips. But some of those tips are deeply rooted in falsehoods, and you shouldn’t follow them if you’re looking for true efficiency, a long-lasting system, and to save money on repairs.

Today, we’ll debunk some of the most common Kansas City heating and cooling myths. Let’s dive in and separate fact from fiction!

Myth #1: Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Saves Energy

It’s a widespread belief that if you close vents in rooms you don’t use often, you’ll save energy by diverting airflow to other parts of your home.

In reality, the furnace is still pushing air into that part of the ductwork – and still warming all of it. The only difference is that the warm or cool air isn’t entering the room.

If you’re looking to save money on your heating and cooling bills, simply adjust the thermostat to a more ideal temperature.

Myth #2: Cranking Up the Thermostat Heats the Home Faster

We’ve all been there – you walk into a chilly room, and you turn the thermostat up high in hopes of getting warm faster in the winter. The truth is, your heating and cooling system operates at a consistent rate.

Setting the thermostat excessively high won’t make the furnace heat the air faster. It will only result in overshooting the desired temperature and wasting energy.

Instead, set your thermostat to a comfortable level and dress warmly at home, giving your residential HVAC system time to do its job.

Myth #3: Annual Maintenance Is Unnecessary

Some homeowners believe that their residential HVAC system doesn’t need regular maintenance, especially if it seems to be working fine. However, skipping annual maintenance can lead to problems down the road – and can bring those problems on more quickly.

A well-maintained system operates more efficiently and has a longer lifespan. With regular maintenance, the HVAC tech can fix small issues that, if allowed to continue unchecked, can escalate into costly repairs. For residents of Kansas City, scheduling regular maintenance for heating and cooling systems is a wise investment that prolongs the life of your equipment.

Myth #4: DIY Repairs Will Save Money

Thanks to the abundance of online tutorials and guides, many people believe they can tackle HVAC repairs on their own. Although changing air filters and cleaning your outdoor condenser are doable, it’s a good idea to call upon professional expertise for complex issues.

Attempting to fix a heating and cooling system without the necessary knowledge can worsen the problem and pose safety risks. If you need heating and air conditioning repair near you, rely on experienced technicians who can diagnose and address issues correctly.

Myth #5: It’s Okay To Use Space Heaters Instead of the Furnace

Solely relying on electric space heaters can become costly during the wintertime, because they are less efficient than your home’s furnace.

Space heaters work perfectly well if you’re temporarily adding warmth to a space on a bitterly cold day. Using them also makes sense if your furnace is being repaired, to make sure your family stays warm and cozy. However, you won’t see energy savings by relying on space heaters.

When you do use them, though, please be aware of safety measures like keeping them away from flammable materials, avoiding extension cords, and preventing children and pets from going near them.

Myth #6: Keeping Temperatures Consistent All Day Long Saves Money

A prevailing myth in the heating and cooling world is that turning down your thermostat when you aren’t home to use it will actually cause your furnace to work harder and expend more energy when you adjust temperatures upon arriving home.

In actuality, adjusting your thermostat when you aren’t home makes perfect sense. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% on your energy bills by adjusting your thermostat before you leave the house or before bed.

Instead, Kansas City residents should consider investing in a smart thermostat that is both programmable and learns your habits, resulting in improved energy savings.

Get Expert Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Near You to Keep Your System Operating at Its Best

Myths are everywhere. When in doubt, always consult with experts who can provide tailored advice based on your specific needs and repair your residential HVAC system when you need it – promptly and affordably. Contact your favorite HVAC company to learn more about how to optimize your Kansas City heating and cooling system and to get repairs and maintenance on time.