7 Fun, Fast and Easy DIY Halloween Costumes

I was in the store the other day and couldn’t believe it had holiday decorations up already. “We haven’t even had Halloween yet?!”  PANIC.  Halloween??!  I usually put a lot of thought into costumes but this year has just flown by. I went home and started to do some frantic research into fun, frightening frocks that I could do FAST!  It was so much fun, that I had to share some of the great ideas with you all.

Blessing in Disguise: You can go crazy with this one by just adding whatever you already
have and getting a t-shirt to either use iron on letters or fabric markers.

CANDY DOTS:  Remember how gross these were?!!  Well this is super easy. You can buy 1/2 styrofoam balls at any crafts store, spray them with fun colors and glue them onto a white t-shirt. How Sweet (and easy)!

You guess it!  CHIP ON YOUR SHOULDER! Any shirt will do and you can use a glue gun to do a half-eaten bag of chips. Done. and Clever.

DOMINOS!  Wear all black and cut out shapes from white felt that you can get at any crafts store. Glue gun and go!


INSTAGRAM PHOTO: Really hilarious if you’re known for not being very tech-savvy or social media friendly. At last you will be ready for your close-up all evening!  Just buy foam core or poster board and you can glue on (or draw) oversized printouts of the Instagram logo (make sure you put 1,000,000,000 likes!)

BREAD WINNER: You can buy really cheap medals or mini trophies (and cheap bread) at your favorite dollar store. Throw on some workout attire and you’ve won!

MY FAVORITE:  PAPER DOLL!  This is going to take a little more effort but not as much as you think. You get poster board or foam core. Draw out a pattern (you can Google “Paper doll” clothes) and add simple buttons you have, old material scraps, etc. — don’t forget to have the “tabs” that wrap around the doll so the clothes stay on–
it’s a great finishing touch!

What are you dressing up as this year??