4 Tips to Save Money on Summer AC Costs

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How to Stay Cool and Prevent High Energy Bills and Costly Air Conditioner Repairs This Summer

There’s so much to love about summertime in Kansas City – backyard barbecues with friends and family, soaking up the sun by the pool, camping under the stars, and the sweet song of crickets every night. And although the warmer weather brings plenty of fun and activities, high energy bills and the possibility of air conditioner repair can make this time of year rough on your wallet.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air conditioning accounts for 6% of all the electricity produced in the nation, which equates to about $29 billion in homeowner costs every year. The good news is that there are things you can do to beat the heat and keep your AC system running smoothly without breaking the bank.

Save money and prevent air conditioner repair during a heat wave by following these four tips.

Tip #1: Have Your System Checked by a Professional to Determine If You Need Air Conditioner Repair

Air conditioners never go out on a mild, sunny day; it’s always when we need them most – when the temperatures are in triple digits, and every fan in the house is already on. With this in mind, it’s of the utmost importance that you have your AC system inspected by a professional before things really start to heat up.

An HVAC specialist understands the ins and outs of your unit and can spot small problems before they grow. Without a trained eye to identify the early signs that you need air conditioner repair, you risk costlier fixes down the road or even replacing your system sooner than you had planned. Looking for a company that specializes in air conditioner repair near you ensures your system is set up for summer success.

Tip #2: Perform Routine System Cleaning and Maintenance

Your air conditioner loses 5% efficiency for every year it isn’t properly maintained, taking a toll on your system and your wallet. When your AC isn’t performing optimally, it works harder and requires more energy to run, ultimately impacting your monthly utility bills.

Regular preventative maintenance, like changing your air filters and cleaning the condenser, is essential to a healthy AC system and saves you money on high energy and air conditioner repair costs.

You can do many maintenance tasks on your own, but for added peace of mind, it’s in your best interest to call on your trusted local HVAC expert for help. In addition to air conditioner repair service, most HVAC companies will perform routine visits to help improve and extend your AC’s longevity, reliability, and performance. Technicians check, clean, and test your system’s capabilities, so you can be confident you’re prepared for whatever the dog days of summer have in store.

Tip #3: Know When It’s Time to Repair Your Air Conditioner and When It’s Time to Replace It

Sometimes repairing your air conditioner isn’t enough. If your AC is constantly being fixed, or you’ve noticed higher-than-normal utility bills, it may be time to have your system replaced. Air conditioners generally last between 10 and 15 years, and older models are not only outdated, but they’re far less energy efficient than today’s systems.

Investing in a quality air conditioner from an industry-leading brand, like Lennox or Trane, ensures you get a long-lasting and durable system to keep you cool and comfortable. A new system installation certainly comes with more upfront costs, but you’ll reap the benefits of significantly lower energy bills for years to come.

If your air conditioner is nearing the end of its useful life, look for an HVAC specialist who’s transparent and shares opportunities to save. Manufacturers and local utility providers often offer rebates for efficiency upgrades to your system; a reputable HVAC company will bring these savings to your attention, so you can easily and affordably get the equipment you need.

Tip #4: Use Your Thermostat Wisely

If you don’t need air conditioner repair or replacement this summer, one of the best ways to keep energy costs low is to be smart about using your thermostat. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that homeowners can save up to 10% annually on heating and cooling by adjusting the thermostat seven to 10 degrees from its normal setting for eight hours a day.

This doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable, though. Turning up the thermostat when you go to bed or leave the house is a simple but effective solution to avoid using your air conditioner unnecessarily. Programmable thermostats, in particular, are great for this, because you can put your preferences on a schedule. This means you can ensure temperatures return to normal even before you wake up or arrive home.

Avoid Air Conditioner Repair and Elevated Utility Costs By Ensuring Your System Is Summer-Ready

An efficient AC system and low energy bills go hand-in-hand. Whether you think you need air conditioner repair or not, now is the time to have your system evaluated by a professional, so you’re not left in the lurch during the hottest days of the year. Not to mention, it may be more difficult to get help later on when HVAC specialists are in even higher demand for air conditioner repair near you. By being proactive, you leave less chances for system malfunctions throughout the season.

To learn more about air conditioner repair service and keeping costs down this summer, get in touch with your local HVAC expert.